来源:http://www.tayfsk.com/ 发布时间:2022-03-15 浏览次数:0
In order to ensure the long-term safe operation of heat-resistant steel welded joints under high temperature, high pressure and various corrosive media, the performance of welded joints of automatic pressure vessel welding machine shall meet the following requirements.
1.接头的等强性 耐热钢接头不仅应具有与母材基本相等的室温和高温短时强度,而且更重要的是应具有与母材相近的高温持久强度。
1. The equal strength heat-resistant steel joint of the joint shall not only have the short-time strength at room temperature and high temperature basically equal to the base metal, but also, more importantly, have the high-temperature endurance strength similar to the base metal.
2.接头的抗氢性和抗氧化性 耐热钢接头应具有与母材基本相同的抗氢性和高温抗氧化性。为此,焊缝金属的合金成分和含量应与母材基本一致。
2. The hydrogen resistance and oxidation resistance of the joint. The heat-resistant steel joint shall have basically the same hydrogen resistance and high-temperature oxidation resistance as the base metal. Therefore, the alloy composition and content of weld metal shall be basically consistent with that of base metal.

3.接头的组织稳定性 耐热钢焊接接头在制造过程中,特别是厚壁接头将经受长时间多次热处理,在运行过程中将长期受高温高压的作用,接头各区不应产生明显的组织变化及由此引起的脆变或软化。
3. Structural stability of the joint. During the manufacturing process, especially the thick wall joint, the welded joint of heat-resistant steel will undergo multiple heat treatments for a long time. During the operation process, it will be affected by high temperature and high pressure for a long time. There shall be no obvious structural change and embrittlement or softening in each area of the joint.
4.接头的抗脆断性 虽然耐热钢压力容器大多数是在高温下工作,但当压力容器和管道制造完工后将在常温下进行设计压力1.25倍压力的水压试验。在安装检修完后,要经历水压试验及冷启动过程。因此,耐热钢焊接接头亦应具有一定的抗脆断性。
4. Brittle fracture resistance of the joint although most of the heat-resistant steel pressure vessels work at high temperature, the hydrostatic test of 1.25 times the design pressure will be carried out at room temperature after the manufacturing of the pressure vessel and pipeline is completed. After installation and maintenance, it shall go through the process of hydrostatic test and cold start. Therefore, the welded joint of heat-resistant steel should also have certain brittle fracture resistance.
5.接头的物理均一性 耐热钢焊接接头应具有与母材基本相同的物理性能。焊缝金属的热膨胀系数和热导率应基本一致,这样就可避免接头在高温运行过程中的热应力。
5. Physical homogeneity of the joint. The welded joint of heat-resistant steel shall have basically the same physical properties as the base metal. The thermal expansion coefficient and thermal conductivity of the weld metal shall be basically the same, so as to avoid the thermal stress of the joint during high-temperature operation.
The above is the detailed introduction of Shandong CNC welding equipment. I hope it will help you If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact us We will provide you with professional service http://www.tayfsk.com